Geranium Essential oil Pelargonium graveolens
Native to South Africa; widely cultivated in Russia, Egypt, Congo, Japan, Central America and Europe (Spain Italy & France)
Essential Oil production there are three main regions, Reunion (Bourbon), Egypt, and Russia (also China)
Geranium Home Use
Native to South Africa; widely cultivated in Russia, Egypt, Congo, Japan, Central America and Europe (Spain Italy & France)
Essential Oil production there are three main regions, Reunion (Bourbon), Egypt, and Russia (also China)
Geranium Home Use
- Skin Care - Acne, bruises, broken capillaries, burns, congested skin, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, haemorrhoids, lice, oily complexion, mature skin, mosquito repellent, ringworm, ulcers, wounds.
- Circulation Muscle & Joints - Cellulitis, engorgement of breasts, oedema, poor circulation
- Respiratory System - Sore Throat, Tonsillitis
- Genito and endocrine Systems - Adrenocortical glands and menopausal problems, PMT
- Nervous System - Nervous Tension, neuralgia and stress related conditions

Ginger Essential Oil Zingiber officinale
Native to Southern Asia, extensively cultivated all over the tropics in Nigeria, the West Indies, India, China, Jamaica & Japan. Most oil is distilled in the UK, China and India.
Safety Data Non- toxic, non-irritant, except in high concentration, slightly phototoxic; may cause sensitization in some people.
Aromatherapy/ Home Use of Ginger Essential Oil
Native to Southern Asia, extensively cultivated all over the tropics in Nigeria, the West Indies, India, China, Jamaica & Japan. Most oil is distilled in the UK, China and India.
Safety Data Non- toxic, non-irritant, except in high concentration, slightly phototoxic; may cause sensitization in some people.
Aromatherapy/ Home Use of Ginger Essential Oil
- Circulation Muscles & Joints - Arthritis, fatigue, muscular aches & pains, poor circulation, rheumatism, sprains & strains
- Respiratory System - Catarrh, congestion, coughs, sinusitis, sore throat
- Digestive System - Diarrhoea, colic, cramp, flatulence, indigestion, loss of appetite, nausea, travel sickness.
- Immune System - Chills, colds, `flu, fever, infectious disease
- Nervous System - Debility, Nervous Exhaustion

- Grapefruit Essential Oil Citrus x paradisi
Native to Tropical Asia, and the West Indies; cultivated in California, Florida, Brazil and Israel. The oil is mainly produced in California.
Safety Data Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitising, non-photo toxic
Grapefruit Aromatherapy /Home Use
- Skin Care - Acne, congested and oily skin, promotes hair growth, tones the skin & tissues
- Circulation Muscles and Joints - Cellulitis, exercise preparation, muscle fatigue, obesity, stiffness, water retention
- Immune System - Chills, colds, `flu
- Nervous System - Depression, headaches, nervous exhaustion, performance stress
Jasmine Essential oil Jasmine officinale
Native to China, Northern India and West Asia and cultivated in the Mediterranean region, China and India. The concrete is produced in Italy, France, Morocco, Egypt, China, Japan, Algeria and Turkey; the absolute is mainly produced in France.
Safety Data Non-Toxic, Non- irritant and generally non-sensitising.
Jasmine Aromatherapy/Home Use
- Skin Care - Dry, Greasy, irritated, sensitive skin
- Circulation, muscle and joints - Muscular spasm and strains
- Respiratory system - Catarrh, coughs, hoarseness, laryngitis
- Genito-urinary system - Dysmenorrhoea, frigidity, labour pains, uterine disorders.
- Nervous System - Depression, nervous exhaustion and stress related conditions.
"It produces a feeling of optimism, confidence and euphoria. It is most useful in cases where there is apathy,
indifference or listlessness."

Juniper Essential Oil Juniperus communis
Native to Northern hemisphere: Scandinavia, Siberia, Canada, northern Europe and northern Asia. The oil is mainly produced in Italy, France, Yugoslavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Spain, Germany and Canada.
Safety Data Non-sensitising, may be slightly irritating, generally non-toxic. However it stimulates the uterine muscle ( an abortifacient ) and must not be used in pregnancy. Neither should it be used by those with kidney disease due to its nephrotoxic effect. It is best to use only Juniper berry oil, in moderation.
Juniper Aromatherapy/Home Use
Native to Northern hemisphere: Scandinavia, Siberia, Canada, northern Europe and northern Asia. The oil is mainly produced in Italy, France, Yugoslavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Spain, Germany and Canada.
Safety Data Non-sensitising, may be slightly irritating, generally non-toxic. However it stimulates the uterine muscle ( an abortifacient ) and must not be used in pregnancy. Neither should it be used by those with kidney disease due to its nephrotoxic effect. It is best to use only Juniper berry oil, in moderation.
Juniper Aromatherapy/Home Use
- Skin care - Acne, dermatitis, eczema, hair loss, haemorrhoids, oily complexions, as a skin toner, wounds.
- Circulation, muscles and joints - Accumulation of toxins, arteriosclerosis, cellulitis, gout, obesity, rheumatism.
- Immune System - Colds, `flu, infections
- Genito-urinary System - Amenorrhoea, cystitis, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea
- Nervous System - Anxiety, nervous tension and stress-related conditions
Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Oil
Lavandula angustifolia Family Lamiaceae
An evergreen woody shrub up to one metre tall with pale green, narrow, linear leaves and flowers on blunt spikes of a beautiful violet-blue-colour. The whole plant is highly aromatic and is dried to make scented bags to hang in the wardrobe or put in drawers.
Now cultivated all over the world the benefits of Lavender essential oil are many. The oil is mainly produced in France, most of Europe, Australasia, the Mediterranean & Russia.
Generally known as a very versatile oil therapeutically every medicine chest must have a small bottle.
The many benefits of Lavender Essential Oil make this essential oil somewhat of a panacea and it is also widely used in the perfume & toiletries industries.
An evergreen woody shrub up to one metre tall with pale green, narrow, linear leaves and flowers on blunt spikes of a beautiful violet-blue-colour. The whole plant is highly aromatic and is dried to make scented bags to hang in the wardrobe or put in drawers.
Now cultivated all over the world the benefits of Lavender essential oil are many. The oil is mainly produced in France, most of Europe, Australasia, the Mediterranean & Russia.
Generally known as a very versatile oil therapeutically every medicine chest must have a small bottle.
- Skin Care - Abscesses, acne, allergies, athlete`s foot, boils, bruises, burns, dandruff, dermatitis, earache, eczema, inflammations of the skin, insect bites and stings, insect repellent, lice, psoriasis, ringworm, scabies, sores, spots, general skin care for all skin types, sunburn & wounds.
- Muscle, Joints & Circulation - Lumbago, muscular aches & pains, rheumatism & sprains.
- Respiratory Problems - Asthma, Bronchitis, catarrh, halitosis, laryngitis, throat infections & whooping cough.
- Digestive problems - Abdominal cramps, Colic, Dyspepsia, Flatulence & Nausea.
- Genito-urinary problems - Cystitis, Dysmenorrhoea & Leucorrhoea.
- Immune Problems - Colds & `Flu.
- Nervous System problems - Depression, Headache, hypertension, insomnia, migraine, nervous tension and stress related conditions, PMT, Sciatica, shock, vertigo
The many benefits of Lavender Essential Oil make this essential oil somewhat of a panacea and it is also widely used in the perfume & toiletries industries.
Lemon Essential Oil

Benefits of Lemon Essential Oil
Citrus Limon Family Rutaceae
A small evergreen tree up to six metres high with serrated oval
leaves, stiff thorns and very fragrant white small flowers. The fruit is green
turning to yellow when ripe.
Found Native to Asia probably East India; now growing wild in the Mediterranean especially Spain & Portugal. Cultivated world wide in Italy, Sicily, Cyprus, Guinea, Israel, South & North America (California & Florida)
The principal producers are USA, Argentina, Italy, Sicily, The Ivory coast and Brazil. The Method of Extraction in Italy is Sponge press the peel, this hand processed oil is the better quality
Essence of Lemon is second only to Orange oil in its world production and use. There are about forty seven Varieties which have developed in cultivation each with their own characteristics
The Lemon is closely related to the Lime, Cedrat & Bergamot and shares many of the same properties.
Orange Essential oil, Tangerine, Mandarin & Grapefruit essential oils also share many of the properties of the Lemon and belong to the same family Rutaceae.
Lemon Oil blends well with Lavender & Orange Blossom, Ylang ylang, Rose, Sandalwood, Chamomile, Benzoin, Fennel, Geranium, Eucalyptus, Juniper, Oakmoss, Lavandin, Elemi, Labdanum and other citrus oils.
The benefits of Lemon Essential Oil are mainly known as antiseptic & disinfectant.
However the oil is soothing & calming for Vein Problems Varicose, broken capillaries.
Uplifting & calming for PMT & Insomnia
Anti Viral, bactericidal & antiseptic for colds, flu, fever, bronchitis & laryngitis, sore throat & Catarrh
Stimulating for poor circulation including chilblains.
Lemon essential oil is beneficial for fatigue, cellulite & oedema (swelling)
In skin care the benefits of lemon essential oil are used for greasy skin & black heads, psoriasis, dandruff & as a rinse for fair hair. Often part of the treatment for wrinkles & rejuvenation of the skin it also has skin lightening effects when used regularly. It strengthens nails & cuticles removing dark or hard skin from elbows & knees. Also as a massage oil for stomach body care during pregnancy
In Spain & other European Countries Lemon is considered something of a "cure all" especially with regard to infectious illness. It was used for fever such as Malaria and typhoid and used specifically for Scurvy on English ships at sea.
Other benefits of lemon essential oil include anaemia, brittle nails, boils, corns, cuts, herpes, insect bites, mouth, ulcers & warts
One of the most useful oils for High Blood Pressure, nosebleeds, obesity (congestion) & poor circulation.
The relief of Asthma & dyspepsia are less well known.
Lemon Juice (not essential oil) can be taken internally for acidic disorders such as arthritis, rheumatism great benefit in Dysentery and liver congestion for example in detoxification of Liver & Gout, arthritis & Cellulite.
Lemon fruit can be used for its juice as a gentle internal cleanser however the essential oil which is considerably stronger is not used internally. Use of essential oils internally is generally not recommended; I prefer to take Herbal Medicine from a Registered Medical Herbalist the safer alternative.
Lemon essential oil is a common flavouring agent in many drinks & foods.The Principal Constituents of Lemon Essential Oil are Limonene(70%), Terpinene, Pinenes, Sabinene, Myrcene, Citral, Linalol, Geraniol, Octanol, Nonanol, Citronellol, Bergamotene and others
Recipe for Acne/Oily skin (Massage Oil)
8 drops Cypress
10 drops of Lemon essential oil,
5drops Lavender &
2 drops of Frankincense oil
in 50ml Base oil; Grape seed oil or Jojoba Oil are particularly recommended.
Recipe for Eau De Cologne
30 drops Petitgrain or Neroli essential oils
40 drops Bergamot oil
30 drops of Lemon essential oil
40 drops of Orange oil
40 drops Lavender essential oil
10 drops Rosemary oil
Add to distilled water & shake before; use apply from an atomiser bottle.
For a stronger scent use 100ml water and for a weaker scent use 200ml
Safety Data
Non Toxic may cause irritation or sensitization in some people therefore apply in moderation
Photo toxic do not use on skin exposed to direct sunlight
A small evergreen tree up to six metres high with serrated oval
leaves, stiff thorns and very fragrant white small flowers. The fruit is green
turning to yellow when ripe.
Found Native to Asia probably East India; now growing wild in the Mediterranean especially Spain & Portugal. Cultivated world wide in Italy, Sicily, Cyprus, Guinea, Israel, South & North America (California & Florida)
The principal producers are USA, Argentina, Italy, Sicily, The Ivory coast and Brazil. The Method of Extraction in Italy is Sponge press the peel, this hand processed oil is the better quality
Essence of Lemon is second only to Orange oil in its world production and use. There are about forty seven Varieties which have developed in cultivation each with their own characteristics
The Lemon is closely related to the Lime, Cedrat & Bergamot and shares many of the same properties.
Orange Essential oil, Tangerine, Mandarin & Grapefruit essential oils also share many of the properties of the Lemon and belong to the same family Rutaceae.
Lemon Oil blends well with Lavender & Orange Blossom, Ylang ylang, Rose, Sandalwood, Chamomile, Benzoin, Fennel, Geranium, Eucalyptus, Juniper, Oakmoss, Lavandin, Elemi, Labdanum and other citrus oils.
The benefits of Lemon Essential Oil are mainly known as antiseptic & disinfectant.
However the oil is soothing & calming for Vein Problems Varicose, broken capillaries.
Uplifting & calming for PMT & Insomnia
Anti Viral, bactericidal & antiseptic for colds, flu, fever, bronchitis & laryngitis, sore throat & Catarrh
Stimulating for poor circulation including chilblains.
Lemon essential oil is beneficial for fatigue, cellulite & oedema (swelling)
In skin care the benefits of lemon essential oil are used for greasy skin & black heads, psoriasis, dandruff & as a rinse for fair hair. Often part of the treatment for wrinkles & rejuvenation of the skin it also has skin lightening effects when used regularly. It strengthens nails & cuticles removing dark or hard skin from elbows & knees. Also as a massage oil for stomach body care during pregnancy
In Spain & other European Countries Lemon is considered something of a "cure all" especially with regard to infectious illness. It was used for fever such as Malaria and typhoid and used specifically for Scurvy on English ships at sea.
Other benefits of lemon essential oil include anaemia, brittle nails, boils, corns, cuts, herpes, insect bites, mouth, ulcers & warts
One of the most useful oils for High Blood Pressure, nosebleeds, obesity (congestion) & poor circulation.
The relief of Asthma & dyspepsia are less well known.
Lemon Juice (not essential oil) can be taken internally for acidic disorders such as arthritis, rheumatism great benefit in Dysentery and liver congestion for example in detoxification of Liver & Gout, arthritis & Cellulite.
Lemon fruit can be used for its juice as a gentle internal cleanser however the essential oil which is considerably stronger is not used internally. Use of essential oils internally is generally not recommended; I prefer to take Herbal Medicine from a Registered Medical Herbalist the safer alternative.
Lemon essential oil is a common flavouring agent in many drinks & foods.The Principal Constituents of Lemon Essential Oil are Limonene(70%), Terpinene, Pinenes, Sabinene, Myrcene, Citral, Linalol, Geraniol, Octanol, Nonanol, Citronellol, Bergamotene and others
Recipe for Acne/Oily skin (Massage Oil)
8 drops Cypress
10 drops of Lemon essential oil,
5drops Lavender &
2 drops of Frankincense oil
in 50ml Base oil; Grape seed oil or Jojoba Oil are particularly recommended.
Recipe for Eau De Cologne
30 drops Petitgrain or Neroli essential oils
40 drops Bergamot oil
30 drops of Lemon essential oil
40 drops of Orange oil
40 drops Lavender essential oil
10 drops Rosemary oil
Add to distilled water & shake before; use apply from an atomiser bottle.
For a stronger scent use 100ml water and for a weaker scent use 200ml
Safety Data
Non Toxic may cause irritation or sensitization in some people therefore apply in moderation
Photo toxic do not use on skin exposed to direct sunlight

Lemon Grass Essential Oil Cymbopogon citratus
A tropical grass with aromatic leaves.
Researched as a sedative on the central nervous in India.
Benefits of Lemongrass essential oil
Safety data
Non toxic, possible dermal irritation/or sensitisation in some people; use with care in low doses.
A tropical grass with aromatic leaves.
Researched as a sedative on the central nervous in India.
Benefits of Lemongrass essential oil
- Skin Care - Acne, athletes foot, excessive perspiration, insect repellent ( fleas, lice & ticks), Open pores, scabies & tissue toner.
- Circulation, Muscle & Joints - muscular pain, poor circulation & muscle tone, slack tissue.
- Digestive system - Colitis, Indigestion, Gastroenteritis.
- Immune System - Fevers, infectious diseases.
- Nervous System - Headaches, nervous exhaustion & stress related conditions.
Safety data
Non toxic, possible dermal irritation/or sensitisation in some people; use with care in low doses.

Lime Essential Oil Citrus aurantifolia
The fruit is often used indiscriminately in place of LEMON with which it shares many of its properties. See Lemon Essential Oil for full description.
It is used for similar purposes including fever, infections, sore throat, colds etc. It used to be used as a remedy for Dyspepsia with glycerine of pepsin.
The fruit is often used indiscriminately in place of LEMON with which it shares many of its properties. See Lemon Essential Oil for full description.
It is used for similar purposes including fever, infections, sore throat, colds etc. It used to be used as a remedy for Dyspepsia with glycerine of pepsin.
Aromatherapy is a form of complementary medicine. However it is always
advisable to consult your doctor if you are taking medication.
If you are in any doubt about your health consult a doctor before having
advisable to consult your doctor if you are taking medication.
If you are in any doubt about your health consult a doctor before having